Welcome to the IPCEI Hydrogen website!
IPCEI Hydrogen is aimed at innovation as well as demonstration and deployment of hydrogen technology. IPCEI Hydrogen consists of four combined clusters of projects from more than half of the European Union member states and from Norway. The projects take place in the complete value chain of hydrogen: production, import, transportation as well as end use.
Currently two clusters of projects – or “waves” – have been notified by the European Commission under State Aid rules. The first wave is called “Hy2Tech” and the second wave is called “Hy2Use”. These two waves consist of almost 80 projects, which are large in size individually: project budgets range from several million euro’s to several hundreds of millions of euro’s per project.
This home page gives access to more general information. Descriptions of the projects, which are clustered under a number of Technology Fields per wave can be found via the following entries: